Let Every Cashmere Warm Your Heart
We were born and grew up in Inner Mongolia. When we saw the people smiling a lot in the cold winter with their cozy cashmere scarves, we quickly understood cashmere would become our main focus. We established the brand at our first workshop with some talented professionals in 1998. 
The best things in life are simple and natural. Details Matter. We let 
our scarves do the talking.

Our Philosophy
We are Yun and Ma, a couple based in Hohhot, the beautiful capital city of Inner Mongolia. We have been making cashmere scarves for long time. Our scarves are sold to North America, Europe, Australia and some Asian countries.
Over the years we have expanded our business and extended the mill. We are proud of being one of the leading manufacturers in China with offices or representatives in major cities and towns in China. We have been dedicated to producing scarves, shawls, fabric and blankets in cashmere, lambswool, silk, and merino wool. Our factory is equipped with standard and advanced processing lines to keep our products with excellent quality and high production. 
Bring your stylish design into life with us. We welcome you to work on small to big orders, ranging from one delicately thought and worked piece to 10000 such beauties. 
We believe living beautifully starts by building deeper connections with the things and people we love. We marry delicate care and our finest cashmere with innovative technology, elegant design and exquisite craftsmanship, to hand-finished items. Our cashmere products undergo many processes that are all inspected by hand. Each piece has to pass quality control at every stage of the process and if not, it has to be remade. 
One of our great joys is working with these seasoned professionals and talented team, who come to work every morning full of energy, enthusiasm, devotion and earnestness. Our technical director who has worked in the industry for 40 years. 

CopyRight 2022 All Right Reserved in Inner Mongolia Zhonghe Cashmere Textile Co., Ltd
Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China 
Phone:  +86 15248146882  
E-mail:  ellen@pashmina.com.cn  
Beijing Office:
Phone: +86-13311101523
E-mail: jinhong@pashmina.com.cn 

Zhonghe Cashmere Textile Mill

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